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I just returned from my college reunion. While there, a classmate told me about a mutual friend whose behavior had been so hard to live with – way too much of the bottle – that her partner had left her. The woman, my friend said, felt...
Archangel Michael and Consciousness

Archangel Michael and Consciousness

Archangel Michael is the universal consciousness who is in charge of helping our world to successfully transition to the new energies now coming in. He is a vast consciousness and each of us can draw from his energy as per our needs and our level of awareness.For over...
Are You Seeing a Ghost, Spirit or Guide?

Are You Seeing a Ghost, Spirit or Guide?

When some people see or sense something “shadowy” moving about their home, they immediately think “ghosts” and get scared. They immediately project negative motivations to the shadowy object and seek to block it from their sight and want it out of their home. It would...
Change of Worlds

Change of Worlds

The consciousness of change is descending into the gross physical level of our earth. All of us with metaphysical backgrounds have known for decades that this time would be coming – this time when our earth would be entering a new period of consciousness, one in which...
Doing It Yourself

Doing It Yourself

We are in the time of the new earth; it is forming now. Most of what we all knew in times past has been changing so drastically that we are having a hard time getting our bearings. It doesn’t matter what level you’ve been working at –...
Finding The Right Teacher

Finding The Right Teacher

If you are one of the many people who have a hunger to learn and understand consciousness, the next step is finding someone to teach you. Depending upon where you live in the country, that can be easy or hard. You may not even know what you want to learn. Here are...
Good Working Relationships

Good Working Relationships

Good working relationships always make the environment feel and operate better. Today, our society is moving toward lateral organization as versus the hierarchical organizations of the past. That is, each party in a group has equal value; they each specialize in some...
Having Faith

Having Faith

Have faith. That’s a large order for most humans, once they’ve had a few life experiences under their belt. It can start with Santa Claus not bringing you the prayed for toy, and continue with your “hearing” or “knowing” your angel...
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