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Connecting with Your Angels and GuidesThe other day a colleague asked me: “Many of my friends talk about conferring with their guides, but I never hear mine. Why is that?”  Quite a number of people have asked me that, since they know I consciously work with a team of guides, in a collective manner. The answer is very often different.

When someone asks me how to connect with their inner team, I tune into their team of guides, and ask why, for the person. Then I ask the guides what I should tell the person. Sometimes they don’t want me to say anything. This is often the case when there is a cultural or religious prejudice against being able to see angels and guide. The person’s guides have adapted to that restriction and have found other ways to communicate. This might be through helping the person to have “hunches” or contriving to have a book open to the answer being sought or maybe having the person find a lucky penny.

Other times, the guides explained they instigated the person to ask me, so that I will focus on the situation and explain to the person what the blockage is and how to remove it. This sometimes occurs when the other person is an energy worker and the blockage is a blind spot. We all have blind spots, and the nice bit about being an energy worker is that another colleague is able to see the blind spot when you cannot. So it’s good to get an honest answer.

In my colleague’s situation, she was not hearing her guides because she did not want to acknowledge their answer, which was not what she wanted to do in the situation. She knew what she wanted to do, and was attempting to force the guides to accept it. So their response was to shut up and not respond at all. Your guides will not tell you to do what you want, they will tell you what is the appropriate response. If you don’t want to do that, this is a free will universe and you don’t have to. But then don’t be surprised if your guides become silent.

When you attempt to get the answer you want, instead of listening to what the universal energies are saying, you can over-ride the energies, and your own mind can play tricks on you, so that you think you are being told to do what you want – then you do that thing, and the results are not as promised. Most people eventually, when working with inner guides, have this experience and so this causes many people to stop attempting communication; they think it has proven false.

The ability to accurately communicate with your own team of inner guides, who exist in many different spectrums of consciousness and have different abilities, is an achievement not to be lightly valued. It requires work on the part of both partners in each situation, although as you become experienced, the ability to communicate with different life forms is easier.

I always suggest you start out by testing each other. You and the guide determine a test that shows their capacities; if they pass, then you on your part should accord them respect and trust that they can assist you.

Right now, the energies of earth are going through a great many changes and so even the most experienced energy workers are finding that they need to go back time and again, re-center, and re-establish the proper lines of communication with their guides.

It is hard for some people to have faith in the presence and wisdom of their guides, for this requires knowing and understanding how to communicate clearly with them. The principles of dowsing are very useful in this regard. Dowsers know that they need to be detached from the question and the answer, and that there may be extenuating circumstances blocking the answer, thus many dowsers always ask “May I, can I, should I” before asking a question. And they need to frame the question very clearly, so there is no ambiguity as to what is being sought.

Lastly, in the West, we are very often taught not to center and draw on our own inner awareness, but to rely on the authority of some outer figure, whether political, social or religious. Thus we have very little experience in the type of work required to listen accurately. Some form of centering exercise, whether martial arts or meditation, is very useful for learning to draw from your own inner reserves, and to listen and move about the inner worlds. The secret is learning to center inside your own self.

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