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1 – First: Root/Base Chakra

1 – First: Root/Base Chakra

Name Muladhara Chakra: “Foundation”. Root Center, Base Chakra, Coccyx Center, Root Support. Location Base of trunk. Between anus & genitals, connected to coccyx, opens downward. Symbol/Yantra 4 red-orange petals, chrome–gold inside. Basic Principles...
2 – Second: Sacral Chakra

2 – Second: Sacral Chakra

Name Svadishthana Chakra: “Dwelling place of the self”. Sacral Chakra or Cross Center (sometimes referred to as Spleen Center, which is actually a secondary center or the 3rd chakra). Location Upper part of sacrum, approximately at upper limit of pubic...
3 – Third: Solar Plexus Chakra

3 – Third: Solar Plexus Chakra

Name Manipura Chakra: “The City of Gems”. Solar Plexus Chakra or Navel Center, Spleen, Stomach, Liver Chakra. Location Two fingers above navel to sternum bone, opens forward/backward. Symbol/Yantra 10-petaled lotus. Inverted triangle, red, in circle...
4 – Fourth: Heart Chakra

4 – Fourth: Heart Chakra

Name Anahata Chakra: “The unstruck or soundless sound”. Heart Chakra, Heart Center. Location Center of chest (breastbone), rib cage, lungs, thoracic cavity, opens forward/backward. Physical heart on left; spiritual heart on right; heart chakra in center....
5 – Fifth: Throat Chakra

5 – Fifth: Throat Chakra

Name Vishuddha Chakra: “Pure”, “With Purity”. Neck or Throat Chakra, Communication Center. Location Between inner collarbone and larynx; opening to the front. Connects to smaller secondary chakra with seat in neck, opening to back; viewed as...
6 – Sixth: Third Eye Chakra

6 – Sixth: Third Eye Chakra

Name Ajna Chakra: “Command Center”, Authority, Command, Unlimited Power. Brow Chakra, Third Eye, Eye of Wisdom, Inner Eye Chakra or Command Chakra. Location One finger above the nose, in between eyebrows; approximately 2 fingers deep in head, opens...
7 – Seventh: Crown Chakra

7 – Seventh: Crown Chakra

Name Sahasrara Chakra: “Thousand-Petaled”. Crown Chakra, Vortex Center of 1000-petaled lotus. Location Center of top of head, touching head and extending into aura above it, 4 finger breadths above. Symbol/Yantra 1000-petaled lotus (actually 972 petals,...
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