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Crystal Grid | Gemini


Our Gemini Crystal Grid provides supportive energy to those born under the sign of Gemini and to the rest of us when Gemini rules the skies. Gemini is the third sun sign in astrology. Extremely independent, Gemini’s like to tackle things on their own. They’re imaginative, creative, and witty souls that sometimes fall into superficial mindsets and tend to be restless. Finding balance in their life is key.


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Gemini Crystal Grid

Thank you for your interest in our Energy Worker crystal grid. Crystal Life has chosen to sell the pieces of this grid individually so all levels of grid enthusiasts (beginner to expert) can purchase the stones as needed and at their own budget.

A grid sheet explaining what each stone brings to the grid, how many are necessary and where to place them is available for free. You may download it from this page. If you would like the sheet to be sent with your purchase, please include the grid sheet listed here in your order. There is a nominal fee in order to cover postage and packaging.

Grid Affirmation

I find balance in my life while remaining creative, independent, and centered. 

Grid Recipe

Dendritic Agate: The abundance stone for Gemini, all agates help Gemini strengthens your innate ability to multitask by providing stability, support, and strength. Dendritic agate helps Geminis to stay grounded in reality. 1 piece. Center.

Orange Calcite: A powerful mental healer which restores balance. This crystal stabilizes the Gemini mind so they can concentrate on one thing at a time when necessary. 6 pieces.

Howlite: This crystal helps Geminis to express themselves emotionally in a manner that is positive and not over the top. It also helps the Gemini mind to calm so they can rest well. 2 pieces.

Serpentine: Opens up spiritual channels while keeping you securely grounded to Mother Earth. 4 pieces. 

Rutilated Quartz: Helps Geminis to find the highest spiritual guidance available to them. 2 pieces. 

Chrysocolla: Helps to curb rash impulses to speak at the wrong time or to speak harshly, causing damage to relationships. 4 pieces. 

Variscite: Helps Gemini to stick to the truth and not overly embellish when they express themselves emotionally. 4 pieces.

Bloodstone: This crystal is considered the essential “crystal healing” stone for Gemini. 4 pieces. 

Moss Agate: Since Geminis are all about balance, weather shifts can be upsetting and throw them off balance. Moss agate is the stone to help sensitive Geminis stay the course through these shifts. 2 pieces. 

Created by Tracy Paddy

Note: stones are very individual and may not look like the ones seen here. If you are purchasing to create this grid, our staff will select compatible stones that will work well together.


Crystal meanings and spiritual healing lore are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.


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