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I was in the Philadelphia area last week and stopped by Longwood Gardens to enjoy their orchid show and their grounds. And even though I told myself I was just going to enjoy the beauty of the surroundings….these nature spirits called on me to stay awhile and take their photographs!

Elm at LongwoodThis Elm stands at the entrance to the Gardens. It is the lone survivor of an alley of elms planted in the 1930s; the rest succumbed to the Dutch Elm disease. There are three friends here – two are portal guardians and stand on either side of the central figure – a large long face that would do well as one of Tolkien’s Ents… They are protecting this last great elm spirit!

I visited the magnificent orchid exhibit housed in their extensive green houses –

Orchid vista
















And met up with these happy fellows, below. They were way too cute to pass up! Orchids seem especially prone to folks seeing faces and figures in their complex parts!

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