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Citrine Specimens

Citrine Specimens

In America, we love our Thanksgiving holiday. A time to gather together to enjoy good food, time with those we love, create & enjoy traditions, and start planning for the December holiday season. We often suggest small stones for individual use during the holidays (our Holiday Comfort Collection), but what about those people entertaining in their homes? Crystals placed strategically in your home can help promote peace, joy, and diffuse possible negativity. If you can only find tumbled stone, mix these stones together to create the energy you desire. Here are some of our suggestions. 

CitirineSaid to carry the power and energy of the sun, Citrine is a stone that promotes, not only a joyous atmosphere, but also warmth and energy. Place larger pieces of citrine at the dinner table and in the main room of your celebration. 

PietersitePietersite is a good stone for those who need support to calm nerves during the holidays. This stone promotes feeling part of the group, is very supportive, helps you to know who is there to support you. 

SodaliteA positive stone for groups, sodalite encourages harmony, rational thought, and calms the mind. This stone helps you speak your truth in a way that is acceptable to the group. 

Orthocerous Specimens: These beautiful fossils help outmoded ideas to fall away so the new can emerge with more ease and acceptance. This stone will help the group be more open to new traditions and conversations. 

Pink Peruvian OpalA stone of universal love, this calm and soothing stone clears energy to make way for new energy. Having kind, gentle energy, pink Peruvian opal is well suited for the tenderhearted and those with sensitive souls. 

Celestite: Calming and soothing celestite helps to raise the vibration and allow connection to higher energies and vibration. Crystal Lore says that an angelic choir created this stone. Helps people hear their intuition better. 

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