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Labradorite Heart | XLChange – what does that mean to you? Is it a positive or a negative in your life? It can be a focal point around which all else revolves. We try to remind customers of this, when they come into our store seeking a stone to help them work through some change that is either in their life – or that they want or need to make. Two people could come in at the same time, with the same question – and we might recommend rose quartz (compassion) for one and hematite (protection) for the other.

We all wish there were some quick and simple solution to the many changes facing our world during this tumultuous time. But even solutions change during a time of change – what once worked no longer will because of new factors thrown into the mix.

All of this change has its good side. We have relied for centuries on the belief that if we comply with the rules, we will be safe. If we break the rules, disaster strikes in some form – legal, social, political, religious. It has been an external process, appropriate to the consciousness set of the Kali Yuga – the Age of Darkness – through which our world has just passed.

We are getting set to move into the next cycle – the Age of Enlightenment or Truth – the Satya Yuga. It doesn’t seem like it very often, does it? So much turmoil everywhere. However, this approaching golden age of spirit means a time when people are connected back to their core essence – to their central spirit. It is a time when we are inner directed, not outer directed.

And what are we seeing around the world? Major clashes between people who would rather face death than live any longer in autocratic situations where they are treated as objects whose only duty is to please the capricious will of others. People want the right to decide for themselves.

The other part of the right to decide for yourself is the understanding that we ALL have the right to decide for ourselves. Far too often, when the liberal voice prevails and creates an accepting situation, fundamentalist voices come forward who state that they know the way, they will not cooperate to permit other ways to also exist, and all must do as they wish – or they will take down the entire group in which they exist. We see this in our own government right now. It is a major issue for those who wish to offer true freedom of choice to others: what happens when that choice is destructive, or the choice of some is to eliminate the freedom of choice of others.

The Golden Age of Spirit is not some ethereal spirit that will descend with divine grace on all, but one that must be won by hard work united with a determination to act from source consciousness. AND the ability, learned during the long descent of consciousness in our previous earth cycle, to protect ourselves and others so that those who would destroy freedom for all are prevented in some way from doing so.

Many of those seeking to foster the new consciousness are working with guides from other realms of existence. These guides do not do the work for us, and if we slip in consciousness we sometimes lose connection with their realms. We wonder why we don’t hear them or sense their presence any longer. Working with the higher forces is based in free will, like all else in our universe. When confusion sets in due to local or worldwide situations, it can sometimes muddy the waters of our connection to the inner realms. At such times, it behooves you to use your personal determination to re-establish and broaden your lines of inner connectivity. Some examples, drawn from my own and my clients’ situations:

You feel your guide has deserted you because you used to be able to hear and get help from your guide and now when you call nothing happens. If your guide is true, why are you having this problem/disaster? You thought you heard your guide tell you something would happen and it didn’t, so maybe it was all your imagination after all.

These are all valid concerns but each might have a multitude of answers. It is up to you to learn to see inwardly clearly enough to understand what is occurring in each instance – and each instance may be far different.

The world of consciousness is interdimensional and multi-faceted. When you set out down this road, you gradually acquire experience that helps each of us to understand our own eons long evolution through spirit, our own core level spirit family that assists us, our own unique process of growth.

The only constant in this is your own inner connection to the core source of all – a connection that is based in love, a love so strong that it has sent out a spark of itself to experience free will growth, in the knowledge that eventually – eons from its emergence – it will master the process of acting from the light while in matter of one form or another. To reach that point, it must continually change and adapt, through trial and error and success mastering its own unique existence.

There is not one single human being who is not going through this process. Sometimes the lessons are very harsh, other times the harvest is abundant. But at all times any point at which you are now is merely another point in time before more change occurs.

Since this is the only constant – inevitable change – it helps immensely to set your own personal consciousness and perceptions to this reality. Let your core spirit – your essence or soul – be the constant point, the connection to the eternal – around which all else revolves. When change is imminent in your life, return to the core source, re-examine and reset your trajectory of action, and move forward – again.

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