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For over thirty-five thousand years The Divine Mother was the very foundation of all that was. With in the many cultures She was, in effect, the All-giving and the All-taking, both providing for and receiving her children back into her womb for rebirth. That Great Mother is still with us today. The term “All That Is” refers to the source of All things. Much of society today uses that term in relation to the Divine Father. That is, God within three main Western religious faiths – Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Historical research today suggests that the Divine Feminine is also a part of the All that is.seated kuan yin

Yes, the All-Mother and the All-Father are a unified whole, a oneness. These Divine or Supreme energies, although acting separately, are also acting in unison. Each one has its own purpose or nature, and each one supports the other. These Source energies – whether defined as God, god,Goddess, goddess – are essential to all life on this plane of existence as well as other planes or dimensions. We, with our limited consciousness or understandings of all things spiritual, often limit the ability of this All that Is consciousness.

By doing so, we often bring them to the level of human understanding and give them limited human attributes.This is well and good, but there is more to source than our understandings provide. Each one of us has an understanding of god/goddess that we have grown up with in our societies and cultures. We learn that we are either masculine or feminine and that each has its place. Often we are taught that one is better than the other. The Mother/Father energies are within us equally and accessed properly through our Spiritual hearts.

I would like to express my understanding of the All-Mother as revealed to me. The Supreme Mother, the Divine Feminine, however she may be revealed to you is a vital part of your life. The first thing to point out is that God-Goddess is not gender specific in their providence to anyone. If such is presented, it does not come from the All, but from a political or societal level or agenda. In the case of the Mother, both male and female worshiped peacefully together without conflict.

My connection with Goddess as the All-Mother in her continually evolving state has brought new levels of personal understanding. We must move out of ego centeredness into that of being centered in  the heart. We must allow the heart to see, feel, touch, taste and hear on all levels. Reality itself is more than we can see with our physical eyes. The Reality is that our masculine and feminine natures are equally balanced.

I have, over the years, sought to worship the Mother in her many forms and because of my limitations, could never settle on one or the other of her many manifestations. Goddess, however, when she is invoked or called upon, responds according to our needs in a form representative of it.To lean towards either side of Mother or Father is to become unbalanced. Our present passion within the new paradigm is that we are to re-establish that unity between the All-Mother / All-Father reality.

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