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MG StarCongratulations to M.G. Roe for her snowy photograph of a light flare “star”  It captures the icy peace of those long winter days when the sun hangs low and mysterious in the great forests of the Northern USA. 

Our December contest was to submit a Nature inspired photograph that would make a good holiday card. We had some fine entries and it was hard to choose.

Merry receives a $50 gift certificate to Crystal Life. 

January’s Contest

Starting this month we’re going to be more formal in our contest process. We’ll be announcing the next month’s contest topic the last Tuesday of the current month – and the winner of the month’s contest the first Tuesday of the next month.

Our January contest is to submit a photo of some nature being you have encountered, and include the interdimensional conversation you had with the being. This could be a knowing, a feeling or an actual communication.

The winner of the month’s challenge receives a $50 gift certificate to Crystal Life, and we’ll publish your photos and story as a blog. 

We invite you to join us in our Nature Spirit Community, which resides on Facebook. But we’d appreciate your sending the photo you wish to submit separately as well to photos@crystal-life.com  And if you enjoy reading our blogs – please sign up in the address bar below, to receive our blogs in your in-box.

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