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Rose Quartz is the crystal of unconditional love. This pink variety of quartz attracts love from others, builds self-love, and promotes inner healing. A fine healer, this “love stone” can restore trust and harmony by warding off negative energies and bringing in gentle, kind vibrations. Some say that if Rose Quartz is placed by the bed or relationship corner of a home, it will attract love and strengthen relationships. This is also a crystal of creativity and imagination, assisting with writing, art, and music. Above all, Rose Quartz seeks to teach its carrier that love can be created and found inside and out.

Historical Folklore

Ancient Greek legends have attributed the creation of rose quartz to several gods, including Eros, Adonis, and Aphrodite.

Ancient Egyptian masks and jewelry made of this type of quartz has been discovered in tombs.

The Roman Goddess of love and desire, Venus, is believed to hold a special connection with rose quartz. This is thought to manifest in the crystal’s power to attract exciting, passionate love.

Many have paired rose quartz with different crystals to bring about different kinds of love. Some suggested companion stones include Sugilite (love and support), Danburite (tenderness and companionship), and Ruby or Garnet (sensuality and sexuality).

Rose Quartz has historically been used as the basis of healing elixirs and potions.


Quartz is Silicon Dioxide, formed for silicon and oxygen. This is the base component for many other types of crystals and stones. Rose Quartz gets its pink color from tiny dumortierite crystals that have worked their way inside it. It is found worldwide.

Chakra Association

Rose Quartz clears, activates, and aligns the heart, heartseed, and heart chakra centers.


You can place quartz in full moon moonlight to energize. It can also be moved through sage smoke or incense, placed in rice, or buried in the earth overnight.

Astrological Association

Rose Quartz is particularly connected with the emotional sides of Leo and Libra.

Health Folklore

Emotionally, rose quartz is thought to help heal trauma and soothe inner crises through its loving energy. Physically, it can boost fertility, strengthen the physical heart, and release internal impurities. This crystal is also thought to help recovery from chemotherapy and pollution.

Disclaimer: Crystal meanings and spiritual healing lore are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor or licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.

Care & Other Information

All gemstones are unique and special. Variation in color and inclusions are natural and to be expected.. 

Bathe in full moonlight regularly to energize crystals. Cleanse regularly by placing on a piece of selenite or by moving through the smoke of sage. Honor your jewelry by removing it daily, allowing it to rest.

Crystal Life’s staff and local artisan crafters are energy practitioners of various disciplines. We work with hand-selected, top quality gemstones and materials. Our original designs are based on our knowledge of ancient and contemporary energy modalities.  

Crystal Life is renowned for its peaceful energy, which comes from our commitment to work in respectful cooperation with all life forms, including product, staff, and our in-store and online customers.  

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Disclaimer: Crystal meanings and spiritual healing lore are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor or licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.

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