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Quartz Pendant - with Chlorite Inclusions

Chlorite in Quartz Pendant

Quartz with Chlorite (or Chlorite Quartz) is a powerful variety of the Master Healer crystal. Through its deep connection with Mother Earth, this type of quartz can quickly absorb and dispel negative energy at its source. It is extremely useful for those looking to clear past troubles, create a positive home, or treat symptoms of anxiety disorders.

Historical Folklore

Some Native American cultures placed clear quartz with their newborns to connect them to the earth. 

Ancient Greeks believed that if you prayed with a quartz crystal in hand, your prayers would be answered. 

The Ancient Mayans dowsed for water using quartz crystal.

Some have associated quartz with chlorite with enhanced compassion or empathy.

Some have suggested that pairing this crystalwith amethyst, carnelian, or ruby can ward off psychic attacks and help spirits move out and on their way.


Quartz is Silicon Dioxide, formed for silicon and oxygen. When chlorite becomes embedded in the quartz as it grows, it gives the crystal a green tint or pattern. It can be found worldwide.

Chakra Association

Quartz with Chlorite is thought to be especially resonant with the third eye chakra.


You can place this quartz in full moon moonlight to energize. It can also be moved through sage smoke or incense, placed in rice, or buried in the earth overnight.

Astrological Association

Quartz with Chlorite is sometimes associated with Sagittarius, as Chlorite is connected with the sign.

Health Folklore

In addition to emotional support, Quartz with Chlorite aids the functions of the spleen. It also encourages the proliferation of helpful bacteria, making it useful for eliminating toxins, skin growths, or liver spots.

Disclaimer: Crystal meanings and spiritual healing lore are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor or licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.

Quartz with Chlorite at Crystal Life

We hand-select all our stones here at Crystal Life. After hundreds of thousands of years in the earth, they are eager to begin work with their new human partners! When stones arrive at Crystal Life they are welcomed warmly by staff members and the store’s resident nature spirits. The stones are energetically cleared on a regular basis, to help them maintain their own inherent peaceful characteristics and personalities while being visited by so many store guests.

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Check out all of Crystal Life‘s quartz with chlorite products here!

Learn more about the metaphysical properties of stones by visiting our Crystal and Gemstone Dictionary!

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