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Chakra Pendants | Classic Style


Classic Style Chakra Pendants are based on ancient yantras. They help clear, balance and energize your chakras. Wear the chakra emblem you are working with.  Or get the entire set. 


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Chakra Pendants – Classic Style

These chakra pendants come have a colorful printed image on white porcelain over metal. They come in two sizes – 7/8″ and 1 1/4″. The chakra pendants are double-sided, with the chakra schematic on one side and an aum symbol of the same color on the back side. 

About the Chakras

There are seven major chakras in the human body, which relate to seven major areas of energy use. Following is general information on the chakras.

Crown Chakra. The seat for Universal Consciousness. It provides the ability to comprehend the universal thought/will/bliss. It promises oneness with the infinite, spirit, will, wisdom and understanding. The Crown Chakra is located at the Crown of the head. Sound: la. Affirmation: “I am That”.

Third Eye Chakra. The seat for our qualities of wisdom. Intuition, insight, peace of mind, imagination, and concentration. It is in charge of our ability to organize universal wisdom for human use. The Third Eye is located inside the Pineal Gland – between the eyebrows. Sound: ti. Affirmation: “Inner wisdom is always available to me.”

Throat Chakra. The center overseeing communication and the expressing of Ideas. It oversees your ability to express yourself. The throat chakra empowers the spoken word, helps manifest any creative expression, peace, truth, loyalty, honesty, kindness. The Throat Chakra sound is the note “sol.” The affirmation: “I speak the truth with love.”

Heart Chakra. Offers our existence unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, contentment. The spiritual heart is located in the center of the chest. Sound: fa. Affirmation: “I am the source of unlimited love.”

Solar Plexus Chakra. Provides the energetic qualities of happiness. will power, personal power, energy and warmth. It controls your self-image and provides personal contentment. The Solar Plexus Chakra covers a long range of the body, from the naval to just below the chest. Sound: me. Affirmation: “I am the source of my abundance.”

Sacral Chakra. In charge of creativity. This includes the energies of giving and receiving, emotions, desire, passionate love, health, and the drive to create new life. The sacral area of the body goes from the lower abdomen to the naval area. Sound: re. Affirmation: “I rejoice in my desires and my pleasures”

Base Chakra. Assists with Self-Confidence. It works with your comfort with your place in the world and provides grounding, stability, security, health, courage, and patience. The Base Chakra is in charge of the body area from the base of the spine to the lower abdomen. Sound: do. Affirmation: “I rejoice in my physical existence.”

What Other Kinds of Chakras Are There?

Chakras are vortexes of energy that spiral out from an origin point and from where lines of energy cross each other (creating a spin). While the body has seven major chakras, many traditions list more. There are spiritual chakras above the head and grounding earth chakras below our body base. There are earth and cosmic chakras as well. In our human body, chakras exist in many sizes; if you count down to the cellular level, there are millions. That means that are countless numbers of ways you can explore and work with energy. Energy workers of many disciplines pursue this study as part of their learning.

Chakras spin out and back into specific frequencies of energy. The seven major chakras take us into seven worlds of energy that especially make up the human being. The classic Far Eastern chakra diagrams used here are actually diagrams of the energy of that chakra and can be read by people familiar with their symbols. These diagrams can be very complex, graphing sound, animals, plants, cosmic images, sacred geometry.

About Crystal Life

Crystal Life’s staff and local artisan crafters are energy practitioners of various disciplines. We work with hand-selected, top quality gemstones and materials. Our original designs are based on our knowledge of ancient and contemporary energy modalities.  

Crystal Life is renown for its peaceful energy, which comes from our commitment to work in respectful cooperation with all life forms, including product, staff, and our in-store and online customers. 

We would love to stay connected with you via our various avenues of communication – FacebookNature Spirit CommunityInstagramTwitterPinterest, and YouTube.  You can also sign up for our weekly newsletter at the bottom of this page. 

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