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Sometimes the universe has to shake a person up to get them to move. We think we are in chaos…but the energies of the universe see a mixing of energies to loosen up and redirect in a new way. It’s that simple. We have many levels of chaos in our lives – from small to career and life changing to the final descent into death and the crossing over into a new form of existence.

Root Runes by Atala ToyJust spent the week going through plumbing issues at my home…four days worth of one part of the system going after another…I was happy about this, in a strange way…it all goes back some fifteen years ago when my mother died. I got the call about her death….and half an hour later the plumbing in my company’s then home-based quarters totally stopped up. My assistant called the plumbers. When she arrived, and heard the story, she told my assistant “I don’t know how many times we’ve been called to a home with stopped up plumbing that occurred just after the death of a loved one.”

So I was happy, in a strange way, that this very strange year with lots of changes, upheavals and unexpected events – this year of twists and turns and chaos that I, like many of you, have been experiencing – was now grounded out and over. Plumbing – the circulatory mechanism in a home – correlating to the circulating energy in the human body. Peace descending into delicious silence as all types of plumbing is torn out, reworked and set back in place.
tangled vine by Nature Spirit Photographer Atala Toy

When the chaos appears in your life, if it’s small you can breathe deep, invoke you guides, recenter and go on. If it’s a little more intense, you and your guides can stretch apart the chaos and find a path through it. If it’s major, you sometimes cannot even hear your guides because the internal energetic commotion is so loud. This is the time of faith, determination, patience…and a trained long-term memory helps you hold on until things settle down in their new pattern.

I’ve taught myself to remember, at times like these, that I went through something similar xx years ago, and at the end I discovered my guides had not left me…they had been there all the time…I was never alone, even though from my chaotic perspective it might have seemed so.

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