My work as an interdimensional communicator often brings me into contact with locations where “bleed throughs” from another world are occurring. Usually I have been called in because the person can no longer dismiss as imagination the fact that they see ephemeral, non-solid

Elfin Prince
figures in their home or in their bedroom as they move from sleep to awake, or that these life forms are seen by other members of their family as well.
I live in the western suburbs of Chicago, where prairie and open farmland meets city. The energy here is gentle, peaceful and cooperative. Because of my work, I am discovering that this in large part is due to the energies of the land itself. The nature spirits are very active. There are imprints of the energy of generations of peaceful Indian communities who lived along the rivers and lakes of this area. And there are increasing incidents of bleed throughs from what appears to be a highly evolved nature-oriented civilization that exists in what appears to a human as a more subtle frequency world than ours. The two worlds overlap and co-exist, largely unaware of each other except at what I call bleed through points.
I am always so pleased to be called for a land consultation and have it be the opportunity to make contact with this parallel world.* As I see this world, some of their buildings are very large and complex crystal light grids that sparkle brilliantly. Their inhabitants include the air, water and land beings in their subtle physical form. They have a complex hierarchical system, with palaces, cathedrals, a military and a commerce segment.
Why some of them travel into our world in humanoid form, and make contact with humans, appears to be based on their petitioning the owner of a piece of land to work with them to stabilize the common energies for the good of us all. There exist various energetic grid points and nodes where the two worlds are in close contact. It seems at these points our two worlds’ energies especially interact with and affect each other. I have on occasion either wandered into an area like this, or been called to it. It seems they know I understand their existence, so I suddenly receive a call from someone who was told about me from someone else and could I please come see what is going on at their land. Often it turns out to have actually originated from someone in the parallel reality getting this thoughtform to the contactee.
At the same time, in my work as a nature spirit photographer, I am discovering an interesting phenomena. The trees and rocks can see these

Court Gossips
beings and besides capturing in their multiple faces images of humans and animals, they capture images of these life forms. So as I have started cataloguing my many photographs of nature spirits, many of which were taken at the request of the tree or rock (e.g. “Photograph here” “But there’s nothing there” “Photograph anyway”) I am beginning to get solid evidence (of sorts) of the forms of other worlds. As my own track record grows, and I identify more clearly with the energies of these other worlds, the trust from their side grows as well and I am sometimes called to make my way through a forest to a special grandfather tree or rock who holds great information for our world.
These parallel realities exist everywhere and I am now being shown their images in trees and rocks wherever I go. They have requested I serve as a portal between the human and the nature spirit world, and so my work is shifting into this realm. You can see some of these images in my Atala Toy Nature Spirit Photography Gallery on the Crystal Life Website.

Merchant Elf
One of my recent delights was being told to stop the car on my summer trip to New Hampshire, and go photograph what has always been since childhood one of my favorite trees, although I always enjoyed it from the road. I was astounded when I came close. It was an elf tree, and had captured in solid form in its bark many of the elf life forms I have seen and worked with etherically. I am presenting a few of these images to you here, for you to see as well. The tree has captured very distinct personalities, here I am showing you an elfin prince (top image) and an elfin merchant (just below).
I am working with many partners in many worlds to present these images to humans, to demonstrate clearly that these other worlds are real. Besides the trees and devas, there is the spirit of my camera which attunes to my energy so that we can capture these images digitally; and the ability of new computer technologies to enlarge and sharpen sections of images so that details can be clearly seen.
I am writing this column from direct experience, not books of theory, and so am interested in our audience’s direct experiences as well.
*At this time, Atala is no longer doing land consultations.
I live in old school house that was converted into to apartments. my apartment seem to have a lot of action of Spirts, some good and not so good. …has been to our house three times and is coming again on Saturday Oct. 8, 2011, to talk about there investigation. X one of the investors mentioned the land missed the Childern. I feel that i was brought here to find myself, but i need some help. i was wondering if you would like to come some time… .
Thank you for the information, and best wishes on resolution of your issue. We are focused on understanding what is occurring, and correcting the energy. We are not interested in just curiosity or chronicling information visits, as some tv shows do – just not what we have agreed to do to assist. Consultations are on a fee basis, to cover the cost of our travel, and are only undertaken after discussion with the client as to what is occurring and why. I have removed details to keep your story anonymous.
I was wondering if you knew anything about using crystals to see this energy clearer. Or where natural star tetrahedrons form…any information or resources suggested are appreciated.
Check out Atala’s book on interdimensional cooperation, which is excellent for explaining these concepts in a clear and simple manner. Available via Crystal Life – We Are Not Alone: A Guidebook for Interdimensional Cooperation
I have been led here from my own need to document and educate on my life experiences on what i label a time compression i have received instructions poetry music and art that i have either been pulled to document record or create compressions envolve past present and future overlayed and co existing recently i have been trying to explain more frequent communication with what would be thought to be my former self or a future self giving me a message reminder warning or confirmation i gave a label to these points and googled the term timeline bleed to see what came up and here we are i love things like this am often am tasked with filtering energy or anything that otherwise would boost a signal clarify a frequency or attract more accurately communication i labeled myself a hybrid being more sensitive to this layered existence and now appreciate and accept so much good and fun but its not all smiles if you are familiar or would like to share with me more on this please reach out thought i was crazy seeing what should be or was or is possible
Thanks for sharing. I know exactly what you mean when you say you get the nudge to take a photo and think there is nothing there, and get the nudge to take it anyway….I’ve captured some cool things this way. I’m about 45 minutes outside of Chicago, I would love to know the land you speak of….this article also prompted in me to look up the history of the area I feel and experience what you have shared :)
Hello Jennifer
Where you are called to explore pretty much depends upon your own incarnational lineage. Anywhere, including your own back yard, are opportunities to communicate. As I’m certain you already know. The important thing for all of us is to keep open-minded about the existence of other life forms co-existing with us on earth, and once we do make contact – finding a way to cooperate with each other, and show others the way as well. That includes taking photos in sufficient quantity and quality that it gives credence to this type of inter-being interactions. Best wishes to you on your own work. Kind regards, Atala
There are times that I can sense and almost see in my mind a highly advanced civilization that overlays South Florida. I feel like a pull sometimes even when I am driving. Is this the Atlantians in another dimension? I know that they existed in the fourth dimension.
Hello Camille
Above time and space all exists simultaneously. It is only our focus on a specific frequency that enables us to be at a specific place and time. The life forms we currently communicate with have agreed to function in this earth frequency.
However, we can also shift our focus and enter other worlds with our consciousness, even while physically existing in this world. As our earth frequency is rising, we are beginning to intersect with other dimensions. That is because, as we return to unity, we rise to that frequency where the consciousness co-existed before separating.
Each of us has a proclivity for specific frequencies, due to our own past life experiences and our genetic cores. So, in this case, you probably have an affinity for that other dimensional culture that at one time/now occupies that space. It is up to you to start focusing on that frequency you are subtly connecting to, and learn more about that world. This is the only way you will be satisfied as to what you are experiencing. It is safe to do, and will significantly increase your own capacities and awareness.
Best wishes, Atala
Hi Atala,
I remain very curious about a large mass (18.5 cm) in my abdomen/uterus I’ve been told is a bleed through. It will soon be surgically removed… What are your thoughts? How can I use this to help humanity?
Thank you kindly,
Hello Pagona
Your question is quite complex. This is a situation where you need to trust to your own prayers and petitions for information on the matter from all sources, metaphysical to physical. I’m sorry, we have no information to contribute to your situation, but we wish you well in your choices and your operation.
Thank you for the article!
I live in Ireland between 3 ringforts and surrounded by ancient sites on an energy path. I have heard the world wide hum for around 5 years, and my late wife had an experience with the elementals. The same experience has been repeated with my new partner without me telling her about it. Just recently we are hearing strange noises in the bedroom and phantom objects, I think things are intensifying.
Hi Greg, Ireland (and the areas close to it) has such a long energetic history and amazing local belief systems. Keep us updated, please! We’d love to find out what you begin experiencing in the next several weeks.
~ Laura