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Earth and her inhabitants are going through growing pains. Mother Earth and all of her helpers are working to raise the vibration of our planet, and to move away from the power-centered energies that have ruled for millennia.  Many individuals and leaders are resisting this change, while others are feeling the rising vibration in their lives on a daily basis. All of us at Crystal Life are feeling these changes, and often they’re transitionsso strong we’re all feeling the shifts and changes for days at a time.

One of our readers, Pam, asks, “What are some of the things we feel and how do we deal with them?”  Are the emotions and body shifts she and her family are experiencing “normal?”

Everyone is feeling a great deal of changes emotionally, physically and etherically, Pam, and they affect us all differently based on our own evolution, there is no normal. Often when there is a gathering of staff members at Crystal Life, we talk about the different shifts.  Sometimes we all feel very much the same but more often than not, we all note the shift we felt, and then explore how it has affected us quite differently.  By sharing this information not only are we learning from one another but we are also learning how to assist the many individuals who come into the store that are feeling the changes and are needing some assistance.

It is not uncommon to feel dizzy, or to feel as though you could walk on air during one shift while during others you may feel angry, despondent, or lethargic.  You may find your diet needs to be cleaned up, sensitivities to manmade products will rise, and a return to basics is necessary to feel optimal. Time spent away from technology is often more relaxing and grounding for your energy system. Friendships have also been changing for some of us – the need is quite strong to move away from people whose energy is no longer compatible with ours.

In my home, we’ve found the cleaner our food, the better we deal with the shifts. If we’ve been eating poorly, we have found we tend to be more tense, our thinking muddled and we are very disconnected to those around us. Making time to be outdoors is essential to us because we are all elemental-based people.  Are there things your family connects with well? Then these are the things you need to make sure you continue to incorporate into your life.  We have also felt like we’re traveling at the speed of sound – that sensation to hurry and rush to get somewhere but we aren’t sure of the destination. The where isn’t important, the flow and letting it happen is most key.  Taking time to meditate or sit quietly has been a life saver to many individuals I know, as is taking time to make sure you are centered.


Flower of Life Double-Sided PendantIf you’re wanting to wear a piece of energy jewelry to help with the different energy shifts we have been experiencing for quite some time, the Flower of Life is one pendant all of the staff at Crystal Life have chosen to wear as support. The Flower of Life is an ancient geometry found in all world traditions. This is a powerful piece of spiritual jewelry; it depicts light energy as it moves from spirit into form. Wearing this sacred geometry energy pendant naturally and gradually moves your personal energy field back into balance, at whatever level you are experiencing dis-ease. If you have strong allergies, especially to emf, this pendant helps you stabilize your immune system so that the medical protocols you are following will hold better. Available in different sizes, and in silver, gold or double foil medallion, as featured here.

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