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Labyrinth Prayer

When reaching the heart of a labyrinth, some petitioners send a prayer up to spirit for assistance while others place the prayer inside a small natural object and leave it there as an anchor. Here someone left a shell, tucked in among the labyrinth rocks. Click on the image for purchase information.

A shell and a prayer were left at the stone labyrinth on the grounds of The Theosophical Society in Wheaton, Illinois (right).

Labyrinths are consciously created structures that take a seeker on a journey from the outer world to the inner workings of spirit. They are traditionally walked in a meditative exercise, although small children love to run them! 

Installing a labyrinth on your land is a beneficial way to interact with nature. Labyrinths help to cohere, redirect where necessary, and positively organize energy in a land area. Some people work with labyrinths as a way to connect to universal energy and ground it for use on earth.

There are many varieties of labyrinths….

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