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The winner for January’s Nature Spirit Photo Contest is Tera Garcia DeMarco, with her collection of heart images that have greeted her from nature, posted to Facebook on January 11. The contest of the month was to share a good conversation you’ve had with a nature spirit, along with the photo you took of the incident.

As was decided by popular vote in our Nature Spirit Community on Facebook, we are now choosing our monthly Nature Spirit Photo winner from both on-line posts and those submitted to us by email. 

Tera tells us of her photos: “The first picture I took a couple weeks ago getting out of my car to go to work in Mason, Ohio. The leaves and sticks created a heart that I almost stepped on. The other 2 I took randomly over the past year. Throughout the past 10 years, Nature reminds me in soft subtle ways to get out of my mind chatter and into my heart center. Feels like Divine Feminine energy keeping me focused in the portal of the present moment 💕”

Along with the very touching images, the message Tera received is very appropriate – communicating with other life forms (and with other humans) always goes well when it is done from the heart.

As the winner, Tera receives a $50 gift certificate to Crystal Life (crystal-life.com)

There were two runners up – it sure is hard to select from all the great posts to our community.  Onna Donovan is one, with her photo of an autumn leaf, posted on January 16. She writes: “I took this photo on 12-30-2018 at my home. I was outside in my yard admiring the day and nature’s general beauty. I was thinking about life and my appreciation of it at this time in my life. Upon entering my garage, I found this leaf on the floor. It radiated with pleasurable energy and put a smile on my face. It reminds me of a Native American’s male profile face. I’m glad I took its photo before it withered away.”

We liked her respect for the smallest of life forms – a simple, single leaf, photographed with great dignity and respect.

The other runner up to recognize is Suzanne Schwartz with her January 19 image of an ancient tree along a path. This one intrigued me so much for its complexity that I adjusted the contrast a bit in Lightroom, to define the complex details. Many members of our group posted what they saw, which was different from each other. But when looked at from each person’s comments – the subtle energies the old tree had grown into itself became even more impressive!

February’s Nature Spirit Photo Contest is to post a photo of nature spirits around schools, and what you feel that energy is there for. It’s on through the 28th. The winner receives a $50 gift certificate to crystal-life.com and is recognized with a blog. We’ll select the winner from posts on the website and from the photos sent to photos@crystal-life.com

If you’d like to see the Facebook posts and participate and share with us, please head on over to Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides, and Ghosts and ask to join. 

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