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Donna Armstrong wrote us:

A friend gave me a bunch of healing crystals – over 100 – I’m new to crystals I have 15 of my own.

I have learned they came from a woman who has died I have been looking all over the Internet for information on what to do with the the crystals as far as clearing cleaning and charging them. A woman told me that I was a healer in the past and I will know what to do. What does it mean to have all of the the crystals gifted to me all of a sudden? Also there was a Unikite bracelet and a Tiger eye necklace.

Any help in understanding what has happened and why and since the lady has passed do I need to do more than clean and charge them please help me with this.

Atala’s Response: 

There is always the issue with items previously owned by someone else as to what energies come with that item. Some people cherish the idea of owning something many generations or people have loved and worked with before; there is an inherited energy in them. Some people like “new” items, but even these have an accumulation of energies that have come from other people who have worked to create that item, although it is usually not as deeply implanted as the emotional interconnection is usually not present in a “job” created item as in a personally used/loved item. 

The issue is if the item feels like it has been abused or has been owned by someone with negative intentions. The is true with old and new items. Usually our own energy field can automatically sense this, and we know whether we “like” the item or not. 

I recommend clearing items previously owned by other people. Depending upon what it is, this would be washing or dry-cleaning, smudging, placing in full moonlight, etc.

As a side note: at Crystal Life, we personally select all the stones we provide, and we select only those energetically clear and robust. At our store, we regularly clear all our products and we have several resident nature spirits and angels who are also always keeping the energy clear. At your home, you can call in your own guides and angels to assist you in keeping the energy clear.

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