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The Fall Season in Feng Shui signifies the gentle transition from the hot and busy summers, yang energy, to the cool months, yin energy. It is the time of the year to slow down and assess our gains and challenges.

When we slow down we allow space for other things to come, as our lives are no longer running around doing the things that summer offers. There is a subtle shift of energy that facilitates reorganizing our life. It is as simple as putting summer items in storage, or de-cluttering. This time can also be used to take a class to better yourself as it is a time to be open to other creative means of expression.

This is also a great time to give ourselves space to analyze what worked and did not work this past year. It is an opportunity to look back and learn from our experiences. It is also time to enjoy the beauty of nature, a time to harvest.

Nature gives us a clue as to what to do next. Its producing cycle has stopped, and is ready to let go of its foliage. The beautiful colors: reds, oranges, yellows and browns symbolizes earth and the yin energy. All these colors are earthy tones that harness grounding and comforting energies in our home. When we use earthy tones outside and inside, we warm up our environment.

Classical Feng Shui follows the traditional Bagua, as well as Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Martial Arts. The Fall Season is associated with the Metal element, Children and Creativity, and the West direction. Physically it is associated with the lungs and the large intestine.

What does all this mean?

– Earthy activities and colors are a positive way to celebrate fall. In the productive cycle of the Five Elements, Earth produces minerals and metals. Another way of expressing this relation is: “Earth is the parent of metal or Earth gives birth to metal”.

– It is the time when the body slows down. You may contemplate, and welcome creative endeavors. Have child like creativity and playtime. For the sport enthusiasts out there, it is football time! Enjoy the coolness of fall with some nature walks. Get ready for the holidays.

– The organ that needs protection at this time are the lungs. When the wind picks up the air no longer carries the humidity necessary for our lungs. Staying hydrated with liquids, soups, hot, spicy and moist, and steaming foods help our lungs and large intestines get ready and healthy for the season and our winters ahead.

– Without health and vitality we cannot enjoy the opportunities that life offers us. Luck can pass us by if we are not prepared to welcome it. So this fall I invite you to take the time to slow down. Be playful and creative, protect your body and take time for laughter and joy.

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