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These stones together create a elegant escape, the key to your own secret garden.

Placing these stones in your pocket, or space will allow you to take a trip inward to the beautiful landscape of England. The soothing, and cleansing energy allows you to connect to the ancient wisdom of historic land. Take some time to relax, and become one with your surroundings.

Stone Combination

  • Citrine: The sun crawls across the garden, seeping its warmth into your skin.
  • Larimar: The sky blankets you, as the clouds write stories across the blue.
  • Charoite: The lavender flowers sway slightly as the bees powder their paws in golden pollen.
  • Pink Tourmaline: The roses petals of crimson nestle against the breeze, their throned roots intertwined.
  • Preselli Bluestone: The ivy stone wall echos over the garden, its elder structure exposes its ancient past.
  • Blue Jade: The pond ripples touch the tips of mossy edges, the water pooling into the canvas of bare stones.


This is your perfect cup of tea.

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