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The Supreme Mother – the Goddess – comes to us, her children, in many forms according to our needs. As with many searching for her, I have met several of her manifestations.

Some whom I have met along the way:  Spider Woman, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Isis, Hathor,Tara, Kali, Brigid, Calleach, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene. I mention these not to impress, but to simply state that there are many names for the Divine Feminine within the framework of maid, mother, crone.

Divine Feminine

Isis is referred to as the Goddess of 10,000 names. She was worshiped well into the Christian era until replaced in the fourth century c.e. by the Emperor Constantine. Her replacement was the Virgin Mary. The Lalita Sasahranam refers to the Blessed Mother of a thousand names in the Vedic/tantric tradition.There is a book called “Goddesses in World Mythology” which lists 11,000 names of Goddess. These many names refer to the many aspects or essences by which the Divine Mother appears to fill the many needs of her children. How does one then call upon her, or better yet which one do I call for? Where the need arises, and the emotion is present, the body itself knows which connection to make.

Israel, in its long history from Abraham on, served both God and Goddess. It was not until the sixth century B.C.E. (before the common era, before Christ) that the Goddess was denied her place. At this point, Israel became monotheistic in its worship of God.

The Goddess Brigid, a Triple Goddess in the Celtic tradition, had a female priesthood at her sanctuary in Kildare, Ireland. There they kept an ever-burning fire. The early church put out the flame and forbid the nuns in the area from rekindling it. Today the nearby village has established an eternal flame to Brigid. So you see, the Mother has never left, she has been worshiped from 40,000 BCE to the present.

How many of you are familiar with the term The All That Is? It today refers to the Supreme Source, The Supreme Deity, God. This term, however, covers both the All-Mother and the All-Father as a unified whole. Separated yet together in oneness. They have been separated, but within the new paradigm they are uniting in balance. The six pointed star refers to Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This is the upturned Triangle. The Down turned triangle refers to Mother, Daughter and Holy Soul.


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