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The New Moon signals a time to plant the seeds of new beginnings, a time to manifest your future & start afresh! How do you plant the seeds? It’s different for everyone. Some people are good at manifesting through vision, others through writing…what is important that you take action by setting an intention to create new life. Our Crystal Meister, Gary, created this new moon grid to help clear energy so you can clearly set your intentions for the new moon!

Ruby:  Ruby sharpens the mind and awareness. Combined with moonstone it heals the broken heart. Center Stone.

Moonstone:  Moonstone balances masculine/feminine energies. Soothes emotional instability and stress. N, S, E & W of ruby. Chip necklace around the entire grid. 

Mother of Pearl: Calms and centers your energy. Helps with the ebb and flow of life.  N & S of moonstone that is above ruby

Peridot: Peridot helps you to release old patterns and their vibrations. Frequencies, providing an opening for new energies to come in. Four stones placed in the center of danburite pieces. 

Danburite: Danburite assists with deep change and peace of mind. Eight pieces. 


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