Therefore, during this critical health period, we are staying open for your shopping convenience.
We are taking the following steps for everyone’s health benefit:
- The staff is wiping down doorknobs, handrails, keyboards, display cases and other surfaces with an industrial strength cleaner at regular intervals throughout the day.
- We are closing at 5pm each day so that staff can thoroughly wipe down store surfaces, contact points and floors
- We’ll gladly greet you with a fist bump or a wave, but we are not shaking hands or exchanging hugs.
- There is hand sanitizer available for customer and staff use.
- You may call or web order product and let us know you want curbside pick up
- All staff have been instructed to stay home if they show cold or flu symptoms.
And remember: you can shop online if you prefer to not travel about at this time. Our shipping is functioning as usual.