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flower of life centeringHere is a simple technique for centering. Centering is very valuable to do when you are under stress and just for everyday living. It helps you re-establish your own inner peace.

This is a merkaba technique – a spiritual science technique that integrates well with all spiritual/religious/philosophical viewpoints

Sit quietly, both feet on the floor, hands resting in lap or on knees. You can open/close/half close your eyes. Back is straight. Now see a line of light extending from far above your head to far below your feet. It goes through the top of your head in the center of your body, exiting through the base of your seat, and is from a dime to a quarter to larger in diameter. This is called different names in different traditions, such as the central channel, the sushumna and the haric line. Picture the line anchored above your head in the father power way far out in the universe, and below your feet in the mother power at the core of the earth. Sit quietly and let the white energy cycle in a downward to upward to downward etc. flow.

Next, in the middle of your chest, between the breasts and in the center of this column of light, see or imagine a bright point of light. This is actually the source of the merkaba, which looks like a Star of David, and of the energy inside your own existence: it connects to the source of all, the place of ultimate peace, love, knowledge and compassion. Once you locate this point, focus on it, count to three and give a slight puff of air, seeing the point of light suddenly expand to surround your body, creating a ball of light that has its own stable shape. You have just sent the energy of your own soul source to fill the subtle level of your own personal aura. Now sit quietly and feel the peace this source carries with it.

When you are finished, bring the ball of light back into your heart center, the line of central channel light also back into that same point, and stop there.

You have just experienced expanding your energy to universal proportions and then returning it and containing it in your own body for use in your every day life.

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