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“Greenman in Field” By Atala Toy

“Victorian Tree Fairy” By Atala Toy

Many of you have wondered how Crystal Life Technology founder and original owner, Atala Toy, is doing. We asked Atala for an update on how she’s enjoying her retirement. Read her reply below:

Hello to all my friends! Retirement has its own delicious flavors. I’ve settled back in my home state of Pennsylvania, in a gentle Quaker retirement community called Crosslands. This community is also an arboretum and I am 5 minutes from the world-famous Longwood Gardens so I have a super-abundance of nature to photograph! I am enjoying wandering the woods and gardens with my camera, and socializing with a fun group of retirees. I’m working on a 4th photo book about nature beings and still speak at various venues on this topic. Of course I’ve found some Greenmen to hang out with, and here’s a sweet Victorian elm tree spirit. You can see others of my recent photos at www.atalatoy.com and join me over at my Facebook Group – Nature Spirits Around the World –https://www.facebook.com/groups/naturespiritsspiritguides

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