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“I received my rose quartz pendululm and it radiated energy right out of the box. It will be a snap to infuse Reiki energy into it for my friends’ wedding. Thanks so much, this really is a special stone.” …Suzette

Tonight I had great success with the large “container” Mermet I bought at Crystal Life a few months back.Witness Pendulums

My nephew and brother were over. Both have previously seen me use a pendulum. They asked what this strange-looking one was for. I said you put something in the chamber, then use the pendulum to locate more of it. Although I had not yet used this pendulum, they immediately challenged me to prove it!

There was a box of granola snacks on the coffee table, so I sealed a tiny piece of granola inside the chamber. Then I left the room while they hid the box somewhere. When I returned with my pendulum, I stood in the middle of the room and politely asked, “please find more granola”. It circled a few times, then JERKED to the left twice! So I turned left, following the direction until it jerked again. My brother and nephew clearly saw it tugging away, and were amazed (as was I).

Alas, I had come up against the sliding glass patio door and still there were no granola snacks in sight. Then they showed me where they had cleverly hidden the box: just outside, below my vision under the door stoop! Nevertheless, my trusty new dowsing tool had led me straight to a craftily hidden object in well under a minute.

I asked if they would like me to try it again, but they both shuffled their feet and said, “no thanks, we believe you.”

Hee hee hee.


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