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By Walt Woods

This Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing is designed as a learning tool for beginners. It can also be used for a class, or for discussion by experienced dowsers, as it contains bits of information that even the most skilled dowsers may appreciate. Select a link below to view Letter to Robin.

About Letter to Robin

Why: Robin was having the same problems that many beginning dowsers have, trouble with accuracy and repeatability. She wisely wrote to the American Society of Dowsers asking for help. The Society sent her the names of ten Dowsers and I was privileged to be one of them. Robin sent a letter to each one and received informative letters from all of us. I had recognized the need for a booklet of this type for some time, but it was this letter that inspired me to start developing it. In an effort to make the booklet as clear as possible and with the suggestions from many dowsers, it is now in its tenth revision with subsequent minor revisions for clarity.

Source of Information

This instructional manual was written by the late Walt Woods, a giant in the world of dowsing. Walt Woods helped found SERI (Subtle Energy Research Institute). He was past President of the American Society of Dowsers (ASD). and for many years presented at ASD Conferences and at the Ozark Research Institute “Power of Thought Schools” and conferences. He was also a research scientist studying bio-electromagnetism, healing and brain waves of altered states.

Walt writes of this book:

Over a period of ten years, starting in 1980, I had developed a “Multipurpose Dowsing Form” and its accompanying booklet. This dowsing system started as one page and eventually grew through twenty-six revisions to eight pages. The revisions were given away at many dowsing meetings.

As a result, I received information and suggestions from many dowsers. This stimulated new revisions. Eventually, the Multipurpose Dowsing System became so in-depth that beginning dowsers had trouble understanding it.

It was then that I realized the need for a simple, easy to understand, how to learn to dowse booklet. This booklet needed to include instructions for using the pendulum, programing or establishing parameters and conditions for your dowsing, and how to ask the dowsing questions.

Even though dowsers successfully use many different devices and many different methods, there appeared to be an underlying basic system at work. This letter to Robin is based on my perception of the principles, knowledge and understanding of many dowsers. Please note that skilled dowsers usually specialize and may add many refinements to their basic systems..

Use the links below to view, print or download your copy in your language of choice:






Learning to Dowse, a companion to Letter to Robin is available in English. You can view, print or download this version: Student Guide and Teachers’ Syllabus.

“Letter to Robin, A Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing” is made available for free download. It may be copied in part or whole for personal use, for friends or clubs. It may not be copied for use in, or as, a for-profit sale item.

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