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Name Muladhara Chakra: “Foundation”. Root Center, Base Chakra, Coccyx Center, Root Support.
Location Base of trunk. Between anus & genitals, connected to coccyx, opens downward.
Symbol/Yantra 4 red-orange petals, chrome–gold inside.
Basic Principles
Survival. Physical will to be. Grounding, feeling love of universe, security. “I rejoice in my physical existence.”
Connects us with the physical world, transfers cosmic energies to physical and earthly levels, lets earthly energy stream into our subtle system. The memory center. Creates a consciousness of time through the power of memory, enabling travel through time through memory.
Primal vital energy, primal trust, relating to Earth and the material world, stability, the power to succeed.
Ruling Planet Mars (solar, masculine)
Astrological Sign Aries. Aries/Mars, Taurus, Scorpio/Pluto, Capricorn/Saturn (in Ayurvedic teachings: the Sun).
Understanding Linear
Element Earth
Sounds Lower C (do). 261.2 cycles per second. LAM (said powerfully). Strongly rhythmic (stomping beat). Monotonous, emphatic rhythms: ancient music of primitive tribes. Sounds of nature. U (“ooh”).
Color Fiery red, also black. If red, tinged with blue, helps permeate vital with spiritual energy. Healthy chakra glows fiery red.
Deity Brahma, Ganesh. Shakti: Dakini.
Animal Elephant
Plants, Aromas Cedar (serenity, feeling security), clove (dissolves dammed up energies in root chakra, liberating self from old social patterns).
Gemstones Agate (seriousness, firmness, equanimity, dissolves negative emotions, protects inner self, stimulates esteem for own body). Bloodstone (blood jasper: cleansing, energizing of creative, feeling security within natural life cycle). Carnelian. Garnet (drive, willpower, self-confidence: helps heal diseases of genitals). Hematite (strength, energy). Red Jasper. Obsidian (awakening dormant unmanifested potential). Black Onyx. Red coral (encourages flexibility, remaining rooted within Self while flowing along with life). Rhodonite. Ruby (harmonic synthesis between physical and spiritual love). Smokey Quartz. Black Tourmaline. Red & Black stones. Clear Quartz. All here help strengthen blood system in some way.
Nature Experience Dawn, sunset, fresh soil.
Age Child 1 — 7 acts from here, acquires language skills, relationships, cultural ways.
Sensory Function Smell
Body Issues: Parts, Glands, Hormones Everything solid, spine, bones, teeth, nails, legs, anus, rectum, colon, intestines, prostrate gland, blood, cell multiplication. Glands: suprarenal. Hormones: adrenaline, noradrenalin. Organ of cognition: nose. Organ of action: feet.
Body Issues: Proper Functioning Ground spiritual forces in body, gain ability to work lovingly on physical plane. Primal vital energy, primal trust, relating to earth and the material world, stability, the power to succeed, health, courage, patience, security.
Body Issues: Dark Aspects of Energy Violent behavior based on insecurity. A fearful person may strike out blindly like a cornered animal.
Body Issues: Insufficient Functioning Physical condition weak, lacking physical and emotional stamina. Worry, uncertainty. Life is a burden. If higher chakras developed to detriment of the lower, sense not belong on earth; feel fearful, anxious, angry and frustrated. Blocked: feel fearful, anxious, angry & frustrated.
Body Issues: disharmonious functioning Thoughts and actions revolve around material possessions and security, or sensual indulgences and thrills. If challenged, easily irritated or upset.
Body Issues: Physical Problems Constipation and overweight (inability to let go, desire to maintain possessions). Anorexia (if sacral and solar plexus also blocked). Obesity, hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, degenerative arthritis, knee problems.
Sleep Mode On stomach, 10-12 hours.
Spin of the Chakra (facing the body) Female: left. Male: right.
Yogic Discipline Hatha Yoga (unfolding of awareness through cleansing, stimulating physical body through exercise), Kundalini Yoga.

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