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Here’s one of my favorite HooDoos from Mt. Lemmon in Arizona – I call it the Three Wisemen and Their Camel. This group overlooks the valley and into the distance – they look like they are searching and traveling…I made a Christmas Card out of this one!3 wise men - Atala Toy  To the right is a long view of them.

3 wise men long view - Atala Toy








and below is the broad valley they overlookMt. Lemmon Valley - Atala Toy
















There are many HooDoos near them, on the road up Mt. Lemmon. HooDoo is a New Orleans voodoo term and the pioneers used it to define the strange beings made of stone who they occasionally encountered in their treks West.
Seated Man - Atala Toy

Here are some other HooDoos in that area. Some of these images are available as cards and prints on our website, in the Art – Rock Spirit rooms.Mt. Lemmon Gathering - Atala ToyThe Old Prospector - Card






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