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Earthkeeper Crystals are not your typical Quartz crystals. They may vary in size from one hundred pounds to several hundred tons. These Quartz single points are milky to murky in appearance. They assist the planet in functioning within the proper frequency of the area where they are found.

If you have ever been to the field museum in Chicago, you will have seen one displayed in the mineral section. These would be very rare finds and in fact many of those which have been excavated are found at temples or secret sites. These Quartz pieces would have been among the first to evolve and to record the planets growth histories.

Check out all of Crystal Life‘s Earthkeeper Crystal products here!

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Our store hours are 11-6 Monday-Saturday, 11-5 Sunday.

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Phone: 1.800.871.9985 or 630.208.6001

Email: inquiries@crystal-life.com

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