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Cloe Smith-WestphallAs an artist, creator and maker of all things art, I absolutely adore the opportunity as Crystal Life Technology’s Craft Coordinator to work with and constantly learn about our gemstones. I began working at Crystal Life as a crafter that had minimal knowledge of stones and frankly had no idea that one day I would love (yes, LOVE) them. After training to learn the specific techniques that Crystal Life uses to keep their quality standards, I began my first crafting “order” where I was asked to create 200+ small stone animal beads into 200+ beautiful stone animal pendants that would later be worn by our customers. At first this seemed like a feat I would truly have to dive into in order to finish in any sort of time frame, but as I went through one by one picking up each small dog, penguin or mouse (my favorite) in carnelian reds  and deep lapis lazuli blues, oh boy, did I feel the goodness that this was instilling on me. What I had imagined as an eternity of work quickly became a job that I would enjoy every second of. And when those cute little animal pendants made their way to the store shelves and I watched as a little girl picked out that sweet little amethyst mouse that I had crafted, I cannot describe a happier feeling. The gemstones allow us to energize others through the jewelry that we create and that  we get to spread joy through crystals is something I will forever enjoy in my life.

You can find some of our gemstone animal pendants on our website, but we have several more options in the store. Stop by or give us a call at 800.871.9985 to if you’re looking for something particular!

~ Cloe

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